Volunteer Opportunities

The Albuquerque Rose Society is a volunteer-run organization. You can get involved by coming to a work event at the Tony Hillerman Library, participating in the club’s annual Rose Show in May or the Rose Exhibition (non-competitive) at the Albuquerque Botanical Garden in September, or by attending a meeting and speaking to a member of the Board.

Below are some of our current volunteer opportunities. Note that some require knowledge of roses.

Current Sign-up Sheets

No sheets available at this time.

Pruning, Saturdays and Sundays in March

Pruning in the Rose Garden at Tony Hillerman Library begins the first Saturday in March and continues until finished. The first and last weekends are Members Only. The middle two weekends will feature public pruning demonstrations starting at 10AM. Bring your gloves and clippers and meet at the courtyard on the north side of the lot, bordered by Prospect Avenue. Participants sign in at the tool shed inside the courtyard. Members will receive an email from the Garden Committee in the event of cancellation due to weather. Note that the Library is closed on Sundays.

Deadheading at the Garden, Tuesday nights

Deadheading in the Rose Garden at Tony Hillerman Library, begins weekly in June and continues throughout the summer. We start work at 6:30 PM and work until dusk. All are welcome, members and non-members.  Bring your gloves and clippers and meet at the courtyard on the north side of the lot, bordered by Prospect Avenue. Participants sign in at the tool shed inside the courtyard. Members will receive an email from the Garden Committee in the event of cancellation due to weather, including excessive heat.

Council of Albuquerque Garden Clubs

The Albuquerque Rose Society is a member of the Council of Albuquerque Garden Clubs, which hosts events throughout the year. We hold our monthly meetings at their building adjacent to Los Altos Park. Visit their website below and click on Volunteers, Volunteer Signup.

Albuquerque Garden Center | gardening information | 10120 Lomas Boulevard Northeast, Albuquerque, NM, USA

A non-profit corporation affiliated with the American Rose Society